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Son of Mick & Ella, Rob is an experienced and accomplished Veterinary Surgeon. He worked for 20 years at racecourses and equestrian events around the country, including;


Goodwood, Warwick, Plumpton, Brighton, Fontwell
Burghley Horse Trials, Aston, The All England Jumping Course, Hickstead
Pony Club Championships, Sansaw
Horse of the Year Show as Senior Vet


Since 2001, he has worked at Clay Farm as a business manager, but also as a veterinary in different areas, with Defra during FMD and on the Krebs Trial, his own equine ambulance business and with Export Certification Limited, UKECP and UKTAG representing the UK livestock industry overseas.


Wife to Rob and mother to Daniel, Vicky is the Farm Manager, workhorse and drive behind Clay
Farm. Her efforts and input ensure that the farm is well run and tidy, that the visitors have an
experience to be remembered and that our customers have a good deal. She is passionate about the production of quality animals and ensures that those show-casing our farm are turned out to
perfection. Her eye for quality ensures that we can offer for sale the very best animals that we can
produce. Stock she has produced have won at major shows in the ownership of Clay Farm and others to whom she has sold stock. When not producing sheep or labouring on the farm she loves taking Daniel on adventure holidays, especially skiing.


Daniel Grinnall, born in June 2005, sadly too late to ever meet his Grandfather, Mick, but
nevertheless, a beneficiary of all that he began.
Daniel enjoys the shows and farm sales and is passionate about his Border Leicesters and Zwartbles. 2018 – 2019 saw his flock win Interbreed Championships and the Society of Border Leicester Sheep Breeders Young Handler of the Year. In 2020 Haydan Border Leicesters attended three shows and were champion at all three including the Great Yorkshire Show.

Skiing and shooting are hobbies he enjoys at home, whilst when he is at Shrewsbury he is coxing the rowing in their fantastic boats with great crews around him.


Wife of the late Mick Grinnall, who between them started all that is now Clay Farm.
Ella’s role now is that of financial advisor and anchor to the business started with such hard labour all those years ago. She runs the fishing and caravanning side of the business, taking the bookings and ensuring that visitors are welcomed and shown the facilities. Of particular welcome to the Sporting Heights guests are her home-made cakes that await each new party.
She enjoys telling Daniel (her only grandchild) the history of Clay Farm, the Grinnall and Griffiths families and the locality.
She also loves to watch Daniel competing with his pony and showing his sheep at the shows.

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Clay Farm Partnership

Clay Farm,

Clows Top, 


DY14 9NN

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Telephone: 0789 999 4466


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